Since breaking down in August as she set sail from Portsmouth Naval Base for a mission to the United States, HMS Prince of Wales has been afflicted.
According to Forces Net, the battleship is ready to return to duty following a nine-month maintenance period that is projected to cost over £25 million.
The £3 billion aircraft carrier has been lifted out of dry dock at the Roysth shipyard and into the River Forth, where she will power up her systems, sail under the Forth bridges, and go to Portsmouth.
Captain Richard Hewitt, Commanding Officer of HMS Prince of Wales, states, “We are returning HMS Prince of Wales to operations as the most advanced warship ever built for the Royal Navy.” “Our sailors are paramount to ensuring our return to operations. They have approached the task of getting us back to sea with the remarkable ethos that I have come to expect from them. They are a credit to the ship and the Royal Navy.”
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