Boatbuilding of wooden boats has been added to the ‘endangered’ list of crafts after new research.

Traditional wooden boat building, canal art and barge painting sit alongside of other endangered craft makers that sit in the sectors of ropes, sails, oars, flagpole making and spar etc.

Endangered trades such as traditional wooden boat building are classified as having sufficient craftspeople to pass on their knowledge to future generations, but whose long-term viability is seriously questioned. Crafts with a declining number of practitioners, an aging population, or a shrinking market share are examples of this.

73% of review respondents portrayed conventional wooden boat working as either ‘jeopardized’ or ‘basically imperiled’. Of the rest of, percent depicted the specialty as suitable, with the rest recommending it’s practical relying upon area and which abilities are being thought of.

Article sourced:,results%20were%20announced%20in%202021.